Patient Information
Opening Times
The normal opening hours are Monday to Thursday 8:45 – 5:45 and Friday 8:45 – 4:30. Closed for lunch 12:45 – 1:45 and closed Saturday/Sunday.
Out of hours
For out of hours emergencies please phone NHS Direct on 111
Emergency/urgent appointments
For emergencies such as swelling, trauma, severe pain or bleeding please telephone the practice as early as possible for an appointment during normal surgery hours. For non-emergency problems such as broken teeth or loose crowns please contact us and we will endeavour to find you an available appointment as quickly as possible.
Disabled facilities
We have a surgery that is situated on the ground floor and is wheelchair accessible (please let us know if the ground floor surgery is preferential during any enquiries)
• Dual height reception counter access
• Disabled toilet
• Hearing loop
Reminder service
We offer a reminder service for your routine check-up appointments. This is now done mostly by text message, however postal reminders are available if requested. In order to continue receipt of this service we request that you notify us of any mobile number or address changes at your earliest convenience.
Missed appointment/cancellation on the day policy/ arriving late for an appointment
Missed appointments waste hundreds of hours of surgery time each year, taking up valuable much needed appointments for other patients. This may be due to failure to attend without notice or by cancellation on the day of the appointment. We understand unforeseen circumstances do arise and will allow for this, however we reserve the right to refuse further treatment to any patients repeatedly missing their appointments.
We run a strict appointment only system. If you are late for an appointment we will do our best to accommodate you but in certain circumstances you may be asked to rebook if the dentist feels there is inadequate time to treat you without significantly impacting on the waiting times of patients after you.
Complaints, compliments and suggestions
We aim for 100% patient satisfaction but there may be times when you feel we have not met your expectations. We do not want unhappy patients and welcome your feedback and the opportunity to discuss these issues. This will allow us to address your personal concerns and improve our future service for everyone. It is our hope that we can resolve any problems informally and to your satisfaction, however more serious complaints should be directed in writing for the attention of the practice manager and a response should be received within 7 days.We also welcome feedback on anything that you think can be implemented to improve our general service to you. Please use the suggestion box in our waiting room.Finally, compliments are also welcome. If you think any member of our team has excelled in their patient care for you please let us know so due credit can be given at your earliest convenience.
Patient Confidentiality
We take your legal right to privacy very seriously. Any information you provide us or that is kept on record will not be disclosed to anyone else without your permission. When attending for appointments or enquiries if you would like to discuss anything in a more private environment than the reception desk, please let a member of staff know and we will arrange this for you.
NHS charges, responsibility of exempt patients
NHS charges are set by the government. There are 3 charge bands which are explained here.
When you attend we will ask you to sign a form to declare if you are exempt from charges or not. It is your responsibility to ensure this form is completed accurately and honestly. Your exemption status is checked by the NHS and if inaccurate they will issue a substantial fine.
If you are unsure if you are exempt from NHS charges you can find information here.
The practice accepts no liability for fines resulting from incorrectly completed declaration forms.